Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Character Ideas...

There are three main characters in this story; the killer, the babysitter the child/children.

The killer: I think creating the character for the killer would be interesting as they could all be dressed in black, lots of use of shadow for lighting, they could pose for the picture with evil smiles and evil eyes. I don't think I will use the killer as a final character as I think it will be quite hard finding an appropriate model and i don't believe the final image will look very effective.

The babysitter: With this character, there is only one idea and that's a scared teenage girl on the phone. I don't think this will make a huge impact on a final image and it will also be a very predictable photograph.

The children/child: Since first choosing the urban legend I wanted to create a childlike look in my final images. I love the idea of doing a 'before' and 'after' on a young girl. Perhaps something along the lines of a school portrait photograph in the family's house and then another image of the same girl in her pyjamas bleeding and dead. I could get the model to even smile in the 'dead' version like she is in the 'alive' verson to make it creepy with an edge of innocence. 

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